10 Advantages of Lithium Polymer Battery for Common Users

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Lithium polymer batteries have the same technology that is used by liquid lithium ion batteries. In other words, the anode and cathode are of the same type. The only difference is that these units use aluminum plastic film and gel electrolytes. Therefore, these power packs are thinner and lighter but offer a higher density of energy. In this article, we are going to talk about 10 advantages of these power packs. Read on to find out more.

1. High Energy Density

Compared to nickel-hydride or nickel-cadmium, lithium-polymer batteries are 50% lighter. But they have the same degree of energy density, which makes them an ideal choice.

2. Thin Design

Liquid lithium-ion battery features a customized shell and positive/negative electrodes. And then there is a technical limit that doesn't allow the batteries to be thinner than 3.6mm. On the other hand, the polymer cells don't have any such limitations. Therefore, the thickness of these units can below 1mm.

3. Low Internal Resistance

Unlike liquid batteries, the polymer type has less internal resistance. Therefore, these batteries can help extend the time your applications can stay on standby mode. So, this is another great advantage of these units.

4. Customizable Shape

Based on demand, polymer batteries can be made thicker or thinner. For instance, for special smartphones, manufacturers may require thinner batteries. This can help get the most out of the available space and still enjoy long backup.

5. Good Charge/Discharge Rate

If you use the right type of charger, you can recharge these units in just two hours. Basically, polymer batteries make use of colloidal electrolytes that have a stable discharge rate, unlike liquid electrolytes.

6. High Voltage

A lithium-polymer cell has an operating voltage of 3.7v on average, which is equal to three nickel-hydride or nickel-cadmium ones connected in series.

7. High Safety and Performance

The outer shell of these batteries is made of aluminum plastic. On the other hand, liquid lithium ones come with a metal shell. Because of the flexible packaging, the deformation of the outer shell won't cause the battery to stop working.

8. Long Cycle Life

In normal circumstances, a lithium polymer battery tends to charge and discharge more than 500 times. Therefore, you can enjoy long cycle life if you opt for these powerhouses.

9. No Pollution

Also, lithium-polymer units don't contain harmful metals like mercury, lead, or cadmium. Therefore, they don't cause pollution unlike other types of units.

10. No Memory Effect

Nickel-cadmium batteries tend to lose their discharge with the passage of time. On the other hand, lithium-polymer ones have no such problem. This is also called the memory effect. With time, the market share of these power packs is rising because of the list of advantages these batteries offer.

Also, these batteries are used in power tools and laptops as well. Therefore, these are becoming quite popular as time goes by.

Long story short, these are just 10 of the most common advantages of Lithium polymer battery packs. Hopefully, this article will help you get a deeper insight into these units.

Are you looking for a Custom Li-Polymer Battery? If so, we suggest that you try out a great collection of these units at https://www.ludabattery.com/.

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