[ȣȯ PCIe SSD E5 v2 Ŀ ]

   ȸ 4511   õ 0    

하기 제품쓰면 2.0G속도로 해당 SSD오 사용 가능한가 같던데요
일반 메이커나 슈마 보드 LGA 2011 v2에 사용 가능할런지요

PCIe 규격이라 장착은 문제가 없을 거 같던데, 아이비 브릿지 E5 v2제품에 일반적으로 사용 가능할지 궁금합니다

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ƺ̳׿.. ν, ΰ ߿ϰ. Ͻô е ȵɰ ϴ.... Ѱ ߰ڳ׿...

Bootable? Yes
When the XP941 was released, the number one issue with the drive was the lack of boot support. Because the XP941 was never designed for retail, it didn't have its own legacy drivers that load prior to the motherboard BIOS to enable boot support on any system, and hence the XP941 required a BIOS update from the motherboard manufacturer in order to be used as a boot drive. To date, most Z97 and X99 based motherboards have a BIOS that supports booting from the XP941 (RamCity has an extensive list on the topic), although unfortunately AMD and older Intel chipsets are not supported.

I can confirm that the SM951 is also bootable on a supported motherboard. I tested this with an ASUS Z97 Deluxe using the latest 2205 BIOS and the SM951 shows up like any other drive in the boot menu. I suspect that any motherboard that can boot from the XP941 will also work with the SM951, but obviously I can't guarantee that at this point.

I also verified that the SM951 is bootable in tower Mac Pros (2012 and earlier).

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ǹ̡ 2015-07
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ȭ Host OS ̸,  õ 帳ϴ
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ǰ DB ̳ ũġ 뵵 ȰϷ մϴ
ϼ 2015-07

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